
Writing Tutor

Cathy Shufro, Writing Tutor

BK writing tutor Cathy Shufro meets with students at all stages of the writing process, in all academic disciplines. She brainstorms with writers as they plan essays or projects and advises students on drafts in progress, from one-page reading responses to senior essays. She also offers help with application essays and articles for student publications.

Cathy has taught English 120 and English 121 and been a fellow with the OpEd Project and the International Reporting Project. She writes non-fiction for print and on-line publications  including the Yale Alumni Magazine; you can find her work at cathyshufro.com.

To schedule a meeting with Cathy, go to https://ctl.yale.edu/tutoring/writing/residential-college-writing-tutors and click on “make an appointment.” If you can’t find a time, you may email her at cathy.shufro@yale.edu.

Cathy’s office is in North Court basement, entry I. Her office number is 203-432-0514.

Math and Science Tutor - To be announced