The Berkeley Fellowship consists of members of the Yale Faculty, as well as members of the Yale administration, Berkeley College alumni, and other distinguished figures in the community. Fellows can meet informally in the Dining Hall for lunch, and they are invited to dine in Berkeley’s Swiss Room on several occasions throughout each semester.
The Fellowship offers a forum for scholars from different departments and disciplines to gather and discuss ideas. It also offers students the opportunity to meet with members of the faculty and the community in an atmosphere less formal than the classroom. The Fellows are generally eager to engage with students to discuss academic and other matters. If you are interested in making a connection with one of the Berkeley Fellows, consider asking them to join you for lunch in the Dining Hall, or attending an upcoming Fellows’ meeting.
Resident Fellows
Living in the College are our Resident Fellows Camille Thomasson (South Court) and Lacina Coulibaly (North Court).
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Camille Thomasson is a Lecturer in Film and Media Studies and lives in the Fellow’s Suite located in entryway F. Camille Thomasson is a professional screenwriter and lecturer in Yale College. In 2020, Camille received the Richard H. Brodhead ’68 Prize for Teaching Excellence; in 2018 she was awarded Mentor of the Year from Berkeley College. She teaches The Screenwriter’s Craft, Classical Hollywood Narrative, and is a frequent thesis mentor in Film and Media Studies. Camille has had a long career as a storyteller for film and television. She loves poetry (she’s a published poet) and birding. Camille has practiced yoga for many years. During quarantine, she taught herself how to knit. She’s bad at it but has a beginner’s zeal and wants to put yarn into the hands of any Berkeleyite eager to learn. You’ll often find her tending Andrew Kroon’s Memorial Garden. Please help yourself to the herbs. |
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Lacina Coulibaly is Lecturer in Theater and Performance Studies at Yale. He was born in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. His professional dance career, deeply rooted in traditional African dances, later merged with contemporary influences to create a uniquely African choreographic expression. His unique blend of traditional and modern influences results in dynamic intellectual and artistic processes that intrigue and inspire young artists and audiences. Lacina’s choreography often provokes questions of the (dis)integration of the traditional and the contemporary. He also set Sigini an analytical approach that emerged from learning, practicing and studying dance in Africa and mostly in the West side of Africa. Sigini is a pedagogical approach that establishes three principles to design, sculpture, shape the movement through the energy and breath, and where the rhythm sets the technique of the dance. He is currently on faculty at Yale University. Lacina is joined by his family: his wife Houreratou Barry loves clothing design, cooking, decoration, and music. Lacina’s and Houreratou’s children are a daughter Faozia who enjoys reading, music, dance, handball, cinema, computing, and writing her own fiction book in French; and a son Ayman who loves soccer, basketball, and singing. The Coulibaly family enjoys traveling, participating in social work, music, dance, volunteering, visiting local tourist attractions or museums and learning different cultures and traditions. They live in North Court, suite H21, and are excited to meet fellow Berkeleyites! |
Fellows & Associate Fellows
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Fred Joseph Acquavita, School Administrator
Alastair Adams, Portrait Artist, Admans Portraits
Robert Adams, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Woo-Kyoung Ahn, Professor of Psychology
Julian Aiken, Law School Librarian
Bruce Alexander, Vice President for New Haven and State Affairs
Seth D. Alexander, President, MIT Investment Management Company
Burton Alter, Attorney
Victor Altshul, Assoc. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
Mukesh Ambani, CEO Reliance Industries
Gerald Anderson, Director of Oversee Ministries Study Center (retired)
Christian Appleman, Assistant Men’s Tennis Coach
Erin Appleman, Women’s Volleyball Coach
Anna Arays, Librarian Slavic, East European, and Central Asian
Philip Askenase, Professor of Medicine - Immunology
Vicki Assevero, Founder & Chairman, Green Market Santa Cruz
Amy Backus
Shirin Bahmanyar, Asst. Professor of Molecular Cell & Dev Biology
Charles Baltay, Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics and Professor of Astronomy
Benjamin Barasch, Postdoctoral Associate and Lecturer in Humanities
Kelly Barrick, Director of Social Science Libraries, Columbia University
David Bartlett, Professor Emeritus of Divinity
Robert Bass, Chairman of Aerion Corporation
Astrid Baumgardner, Director of Career Services, School of Music
Ramla Bedoui, Lector in French
Richard Beggs, Sound Designer
Amanda Behm, Lecturer in Modern History, Univeristy of York
John B. Beinecke, Director & President, The Prospect Hill Foundation
Earl Bellinger, Assistant Professor, Astronomy
Peggy Berenblum, Yoga Instructor
Gretchen Berland, Associate Professor of Medicine
Jemina Bernard, Senior Vice President, Teach for America
Paola Bertucci, Associate Professor of History and History of Medicine
Donald Bidwell, President and CEO, BIDWELL Industrial Group
Thomas Biederer, Associate Professor of Neurology
Brianne Bilsky, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, US Naval Academy and Former Dean of Berkeley College
Krzysztof Bocian, World Fellow 2023, Renewable Energy Entrepreneur
Clifford Bogue, Professor of Pediatrics
Mark Bomford, Director of Sustainable Food Project
Joran Booth, Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Joseph Britton, retired, Divinity School
Craig Brod, Visiting Lecturer, Law School
Charles Brown, Assistant Professor of Physics
Paul Bryant, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Richard Bucala, Professor of Medicine - Rheumatology, Epidemiology, and of Pathology
Robert Burger, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Kevin Cahill, Joel E. Smilow ‘54 Offensive Coordinator, Associate Head Coach (QB)
Anthony Campbell, Chief of Police, Yale PD and Associate Director of Public Safety
Zoe Canellakis, Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology
Alex Canto-Pastor, Assistant Professor in Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology
Damaris Cardona, Sr. Administrative Assistant, Berkeley College (Retired)
Stephen Carter, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law
Pamela Chambers, Senior Associate General Counsel
Cheryl Chen, Faculty Dean Dunster House, Harvard University
Xiaohong Chen, Malcolm K. Brachman Professor of Economics and Professor of Management
Otto Chu, Chairman and CEO at Chu Financial Management Corp.
Marvin Chun, Richard M. Colgate Professor of Psychology and Professor of Neuroscience
Thomas Colville, Fine Art Dealer
Lisa Conathan, Head of Digital Services, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Becky Conekin, Senior Lecturer in the Macmillan Center
Todd Constable, Professor of Radiology and Biomedican Imaging and of Neurosurgery
Hope C. Cooke, Author, Former Queen of Sikkim
Charles Corcoran III, Attorney
Philip Corlett, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Lacina Coulibaly, Lecturer, Theater Studies
Henry Cowles, Assistant Professor in the History of Medicine
Michael Crair, William Ziegler III Professor of Neuroscience and Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Martijn Cremers, Professor of Finance, Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame
John Crowley, Senior Lecturer in English
Bárbara Cruvinel Santiago, Dean of Berkeley College
Jan Cunningham, Stage Carpenter, School of Drama
Örgü Dalgiç, Lecturer in Religion and Visual Culture, Institute of Sacred Music
Dennis Danaher, Senior Associate Director Major Gifts Development
Gene Dattel, Attorney, Author
Marc Davis, Professor of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley
Deborah DeFord, Forestry Development, Retired
Nelson DeMille, Author
Peter Downhour
Alexander Dreier, Vice President and General Counsel
James Early, Attorney at Law
Barbara Ehrlich, Professor of Pharmacology and of Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Michael Ehrlich, Associate Professor of Finance, New Jersey Institute of Management
Carlos Eire, T. Lawrason Riggs Professor of History and Professor of Religious Studies
Kevin Elliott, Lecturer in Ethics, Politics and Economics
Isabella Epstein, Investment Analyst, Yale Investments Office
Cynthia Erickson, Operations Manager of Berkeley College (Retired)
William Eskridge, John A. Garver Professor of Jurisprudence
David Evans, Head of College, Berkeley College
Lely Evans, Associate Head of Berkeley College
Susan Evans, Associate Director, Study Abroad
Leslie Fagen, Senior partner in the law firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
Thomas Falco, Research Specialist, Medical History Library
Victor Ferrante, Attorney at Law
Rachel Fine, Executive Director, Yale Schwarzman Center
Michael Fischer, Professor, Computer Science
Michael Fitzsousa, Director of Development for Alumni
Jackie Folmar, Assistant Director of Admissions, Yale Undergraduate Admissions
Harris Foster, Jr., Professor of Urology
Michael A. Fotos, III, Lecturer in Political Science and Ethics, Politics & Economics
Pamela Franks, Deputy Director for Exhibitions, Programming and Education and Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at Yale University
Alison Galvani, Burnett and Stender Families Professor of Epidemiology
Martin Garcia-Castro, Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences, UC Riverside
Stuart Gardner, Pediatrician
William Garfinkel, Lecturer in Education Program
Katrina Garry, Student Affairs Fellow
Jacques Gauthier, Professor of Herpetology
Juan Gavilanes, Sargeant Major, United States Marine Corps.
Martin Gehner, Professor Emeritus of Architectural Engineering
Daniel Geisser, Internal Medicine Physician
Joshua Gendron, Assistant Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Mia Reinoso Genoni, Dean of Westhampton College, University of Richmond
Eugenie Gentry, Associate Vice President for Development
Brad Gentry, Associate Dean for Professional Practice
Susan Gibbons, Vice Provost for Collections and Scholarly Communication
Abbe Gluck, Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy
Linda S. Godleski, Professor of Psychiatry
Kimberly Goff-Crews, Secretary and Vice President for Student Life
Gregg Gonsalves, Research Scholar in Law, Lecturer in Law, and Co-Director, Global Healthy Justice Partnership
George Granholm, Commander of the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Detachment 009
William Graustein, Trustee at William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund
Daniel Greco, Assistant Professor Philosophy
Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram, Greenberg World Fellow 2021, Free Courts Foundation, Clifford Chance
Henry Griggs III, Writer
Judith Gundry, Research Scholar and Associate Professor (Adjunct) of Divinity
Murat Gunel, Nixdorff-German Professor of Neurosurgery and Professor of Genetics and of Neuroscience
Peijun Guo, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Enviornmental Engineering
Jacob Hacker, Stanley B. Resor Professor of Political Science, Director of the Institute for Social and Policy Studies
Cheryl Hader Brod, Partner Reed Smith LLP
Martin Hagglund, Professor of Comparative Literature and Humanities
Licia Hahn, CEO Licia Hahn & Co, LLC
Koichi Hamada, Tuntex Emeritus Professor of Economics
Andrew J. Hamilton, Lecturer, Art of the Ancient and Colonial Americas, Princeton University
John E. Hare, Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology
Lauren Harling, Head Coach, Women’s Golf
Lubbie Harper, State Supreme Court Justice (retired)
Oona Hathaway, Gerard C. and Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law
Holly Hatheway, Head, Arts & Humanities Divisions, UC Berkeley Library
Dolores Hayden, Professor Emerita of Architecture and Professor of American Studies
Ronald Heiferman, Professor Emeritus History at Quinnipiac University
Holly Hermes, University Liaison for Veteran & Military Affairs
Eric Hermes, Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Richard Hersh, Lecturer and Senior Advisor to Education Studies Program
Kevin Hicks, Head of Stevenson School, former Dean of Berkeley College
Michael Higley, Associate Professor of Neuroscience
Roberta Hines, Nicholas M. Greene Professor of Anesthesiology
Susan Hockfield, President MIT
Cornelia Holden, Founder & Principal at Mindful Warrior
Wayne Holman III, Physicist
Avram Holmes, Assistant Professor of Psychology and of Psychiatry
Kirk Hooks, Organizational Development Consultant
Susan Howe, Poet
Ryan Huynh, Woodbridge Fellow, RITM
Silvio Inzucchi, Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology)
Vivian Irish, Eaton Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology and Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Robert Irving, Author and Lecturer in the History of Art and Architecture of Britain
Shams Islam, Global Scholars Fellow
Kathryn James, Beinecke Library, Curator Early Modern Books & Manuscripts
Virginia Jewiss, Lecturer in Humanities; Assistant Director Whitney Humanities Center
Bill Johnson, Commanding Officer, Yale University Naval ROTC Unit
Marcia Johnson, Sterling Professor of Psychology
Peter Jones, James E. English Professor of Math & Applied Math
Saatchi Kalsi, Woodbridge Fellow, Office of International Affairs
Tahia Kamp, Senior Research Analyst, Office of Development
Laurence Kanter, Chief Curator Yale Art Gallery
Bonnie Kaplan, PhD, Lecturer in Anesthesiology
Stephen Kaplan, Assistant Professor, Political Science, George Washington University
David Kastan, George M. Bodman Professor of English
Lee Katz, Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging
Randall Kau, Managing Director of Advisory Services
Joseph Hayes Kavanagh, Attorney and Musician
John Kelly, M.D.
Sean Kelly, Faculty Dean Dunster House, Harvard University
James Kenny, Assistant Vice President of Development, Schools and Units
Eliza Keogh, Assistant Camp Director, Camp Massaoit, Springfield College
Richard Keppelman, Attorney
Maria Kerbel, Licensed Architect
Michael Kerbel, Director, Yale Film Study Center
Daniel Kevles, Stanley Woodward Professor Emeritus of History, History of Medicine & American Studies
Justin Kim, Lecturer, Yale College
Scott Kline, Venture Capital Investor/Attorney & Advisor, Quill Partners LLC
Robert Knight, Associate Professor, Art Department at Hamilton College
Jonathan P. Knisely, Radiation Oncology, Weill Cornell Medicine
Joshua Knobe, Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Science
Canon Kovoor, Principal of Trinity College in the UK
Marcia Landesman, Director of College Counseling, Choate Rosemary Hall
Kathrin Day Lassila, Editor-in-chief, Yale Alumni Magazine
Gregory Laughlin, Professor, Astronomy
Daeyeol Lee, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience and of Psychology
Patty Lee, Associate Professor of Medicine
Zachary Leonard, McNsy Family Director of Yale Sailing
George Levesque, Associate Dean, Yale College, Dean of Academic Programs, former Dean of Berkeley College
Ilse Lindenlaub, Assistant Professor Economics
David Lindsey, Student Affairs Fellow
Earle Lobo, Assistant Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards
Marshall Loeb, Author, Editor
James R. Loeb, Attorney
David Loeb, English Teacher at Choate Rosemary Hall
Paul Lombroso, MD, Elizabeth Mears & House Jameson Professor in the Child Study Center and Professor of Neuroscience and Psychiatry
Stephen Longmire, Lecturer in English
Juan Lora, Assistant Professor, Earth & Planetary Sciences
Michael Madison, Law Professor
Daniel Magaziner, Associate Professor of 20th Century African History
David Mahan, Executive Director, Rivendell Institute at Yale; Lecturer in Religion and Literature
Roger J. Maldonado, Partner in the Litigation Practice of Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP
Fauzia Malik, Associate Research Scientist in Public Health (Health Policy and Management)
Michele Malvesti, Senior Fellow, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
Lawrence Manley, William R Kenan Jr Professor of English
J. Robert Mann, CEO of E-J Electrics
Vasileios Marinis, Associate Professor of Christian Art and Architecture
Margaret Marshall, Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Scott Matheson, Associate Librarian for Technical Services
Thomas G. Mattia, Chairman of the Peabody Awards
Susan Matteo, Sr. Administrative Assistant, Berkeley College (Retired)
Evan Mawarire, Greenburg World Fellow 2020, Founder and Leader of #ThisFlag Citizen’s Movement
J Michael McBride, Richard M. Colgate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
Patrick McCaughey, Art Historian
Leon McCarron, 2024 World Fellow
Paul A. McCraven, Community Development Consultant
Meghan McMahon, Member of U.S. Tennis Association
Ruthann McTyre, Director of the Yale Music Library
Matt Mendelsohn, Chief Investment Office, Yale Investments Office
Kimberly K. Mertz, Deputy Assistant Director, FBI
Mark Messier, Custom Woodworker
Amy Meyers, Director, Yale Center for British Art
Forrest Miller, Retired Group Vice President
Judith Miller, Professor Emerita in English, Sacred Heart University
Renita Miller, Former Dean of Berkeley College
Walter R. Miller, President, The Bridgehampton Museum
Will Miller, Yale Education Studies Program
Lesley Mills, Owner, HomeCare Services
Emily Greenwood Milne, Professor of Classics and African American Studies
Jose Minan, Executive Director and Assistant General Counsel
Xan Minan, Woodbridge Fellow, Chaplain’s Office
Kunduck Moon, Attorney, Financial Advisor
Cara Moran, Deputy Director, Major Gifts Development
John Mudry, Exec Coach for CAS,
Abigail Mulligan, Associate General Counsel
Stephen Murphy, Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Victoria Murphy
Alasdair Neale, Music Director, New Haven Symphony Orchestra
David Nee, Senior Consultant, University of Connecticut, Department of Public Policy
Vincent Ni, Yale Greenberg World Fellow
Kari Nordstrom, Yale Senior Architect
Anita Norman, Woodbridge Fellow OPAC External Communications
Emmanuel Ohuabunwa, Resident, Emergency Medicine
Ian Oliver, Senior Associate Chaplain for Protestant Life & Pastor University Church in Yale
Chadwick Oliver, Pinchot Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Saad Omer, Director, Yale Institute for Global Health; Associate Dean (Global Health Research), Yale School of Medicine; Harvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases); Professor of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, Yale School of Public Health; Adjunct Professor, Yale School of Nursing
Danny Otto, Principal Yale Investments Office
Deborah Oyeyemi, National Clinician Scholar | Aging & Dementia Researcher, UCLA Health
Jeffrey Park, Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Bruce R. Peabody, Real Estate Attorney
Cornelia Pearsall, Professor of English Language & Literature
Peter Perdue, Professor of History
Jessica Peritz, Assistant Professor of Music
Noah Planavsky, Professor, Earth & Planetary Sciences
Mark Plotkin, Ethnobotanist and a Plant explorer in the Neotropics
David Poland, Assistant Professor in Physics
Wesley Poling, Director of Graduate School Capital Giving
Jerome Pollitt, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Classical Archeology and History of Art
Joseph Prior, Financial Advisor
Jules Prown, Professor Emeritus in the History of Art
Christiana Purdy Moudarres, Assistant Professor of Italian
Congling Qiu, Gibbs Assistant Professor, Mathematics
David Quint, Sterling Professor of Comparative Literature and English
David Rabinowitz, Sr. Research Sci/Scholar Physics
Doug Rae, Richard S. Ely Professor Emeritus of Management & Professor of Political Science
Sohail S. Ramirez, Associate General Counsel
Claude Rawson, Maynard Mack Professor Emeritus of English
Peter Raymond, Professor of Ecosystem Ecology
William K. Reilly, Former Chief of the Environmental Protection Agency
W. Michael Reisman, Myres S. McDougal Professor Emeritus of Law
Abby Reynolds, Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance & Student-Athlete Development
Max Rolison, Clinical Fellow, Albert J. Sonit Intergrated Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatriy program
Francis X. Rocca, Journalist
Lawrence Rodman, Attorney
John Rogers, Professor of English, former Head of Berkeley College
Chawwadee Rompothong, Yale Women’s Golf Coach
Stephen E. Ronai, Attorney
Joanna Rose, Heads Non Profit fund
Christy Ross, Founder, Little Green
Garth Ross, Creative Producer
Scott Rumage, IT Supervisor, Yale School of Forestry
Mary Ann Rumney-Besier, Owner of Rumney Associates
Eric Rutkow, Assistant Professor of History, University of Central Florida
Bernard Saint-Donat, Asset Manager
Cecilia Sánchez, Data Scientist at Yale School of Public Health
Charles Sanislow, Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Wesleyan University
Ronald Santoni, Maria Theresa Barney Chair Emeritus of Philosophy at Denison University
Nay Saysourinho,
Pamela Schirmeister, Sr. Assoc. Dean of Yale Graduate School
Mark Schoofs, Senior editor at ProPublica
Peter Schott, Juan Trippe Professor of International Economics
Martin Schultz, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
Sophie Schweiger,
James Scott, Sterling Professor of Political Science
Misha Semenov-Leiva
Wendy Sharp, Violinist, Lecturer at the School of Music
Suzanne Shaw, Director of Yale Conferences and Events
Andrew Shay, Head Coach, Lacrosse
Karin Shedd, Associate Producer at CNBC
Honorable Alan H. W. Shiff, United States Bankruptcy Judge, District of Connecticut
David Shifrin, Clarinetist, School of Music
David Shoehalter, Mark T. Young Director of Cross Country and Track and Field
Cathy Shufro, Writing tutor
George Shultz, Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow
Bruce W. Sielaff, Architect
Robert R. Simmons, American politician and retired U.S. Army Colonel
Sydney Simon, Associate Curator of Academic Affairs, Yale University Art Gallery
Jan Simpson
James Sinclair, Music Director, Orchestra New England
Mark Singer, Staff writer at The New Yorker
Rajita Sinha, Foundations Fund Professor of Psychiatry and Professor in the Child Study Center
Kalyanakrishnan Sivaramakrishnan, Dinakar Singh Professor of India & South Asia
Sarah Slavoff, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
Dana Small, Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Professor of Psychology; Director, Modern Diet and Physiology Research Center
C. Donald Smedley, Senior Fellow, Rivendell Institute
Dawn Smith, Associate Director for Technical Services, Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School
Philip Smith, Chair, Department of Sociology; Professor of Sociology
Ileene Smith, Executive Editor, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Captain Joshua Smith, Marine Officer Instructor
Frank Snowden, Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of History & History of Medicine
Timothy Snyder, Bird White Housum Professor of History
Paul Solman, Brady-Johnson Distinguished Practioner in Grand Strategy
Andrew Solomon, Writer
David Sperber, Postdoctoral Associate, Art History, Gender Studies, and Judaic Studies, Institute of Sacred Music
Marian Spiro,
Jessica Stephens, The Henry J. Kaiser Foundation
Honorable Edward Stodolink, CT Superior Court, Referee
Susan Stout, former Associate Master of Berkeley College
Harry Stout, Jonathan Edwards Professor of American Religious History, former Head of Berkeley College
Meryl Streep, Actress
Yukari Sugiyama, Japanese Technical Services Librarian, Metadata Management
Rebecca Sullivan, 2019 World Fellow
Shyam Sunder, James L. Frank Professor of Accounting, Economics, and Finance
Alex Swensen, Master Brewer
Lloyd Kevin Sy, Postdoctoral Associate in English
Joseph Tagliarini,
Dean Takahashi, Senior Director, Yale Investments
Lidya Tarhan, Assistant Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Harry Thomas, Kissinger Senior Fellow, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
Camille Thomasson, Lecturer, Film and Media Studies
Norma Thompson, Associate Director of the Whitney Humanities Center and Senior Lecturer in Humanities
Carlos Torre, Professor, Creativity and Chaos Theory
Jeffrey Townsend, Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Jing Tsu, Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Margo Tucker, Director of Major Gifts, Development
Hoi-Sang U, Professor of Neurosurgery, UCSD Medical Center
Anne Underhill, Chair and Professor of Anthropology; Curator Peabody Museum
William van Altena, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy
Penelope Van Grinsven, College Arts Fellow - Ceramics (Grace Hopper)
Jenifer Van Vleck, Curator, Social and Cultural History of Aviation, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
Miroslav Volf, Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology, and Founding Director, Yale Center for Faith & Culture
Diana Wagner, Partner and Portfolio Manager
Frederick E. Walker
Xiao-Jing Wang, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, NYU Shanghai
Xinchen Wang, Associate Director, Yale Investments Office
Emily Wang, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine
Alice Waters, Executive Chef, Founder and Owner of Chez Panisse
Patricia Wei, Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Yale
Roman Weil, Professor Emeritus, Johns Hopkins University and the University of California
Thomas Weil, Chief Legal Officer WaterHealth International
Tisa Wenger, Associate Professor of American Religious History, Divinity School & American Studies
Alexander Westphal, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and in the Child Center
Jonathan Westphal, Professor of Philosophy (retired)
Rebekah Westphal, Director, Office of Fellowship Programs
Thomas Whitaker, Professor, English
Paula Whittington,
Steven Wilkinson, Nilekani Professor of India & South Asian Studies
Elizabeth Wilkinson, Associate Director, Global Initiatives
F. Perry Wilson Jr., Retired V.P. Saint Raphael Hospital
Avril Winks, Associate Master of Berkeley College, 1977-1990
Kevin Winston,
Ted Wittenstein, Executive Director of YYGS; Lecturer, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
Joseph Wolenski, Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Nicholas Wolterstorff, Noah Porter Professor Emeritus Philosophical Theology Divinity School
Richard Ya Deau,
Fareed Zakaria, Host of CNN and Washington Post columnist
Lei Zhang, Founder, Chair, and CEO of Hillhouse Capital Management Group, Ltd.
Executive Fellows
Name |
Years of Service |
Lloyd Reynolds |
Howard Spiro |
1969 - 1977 |
Karl Turekian |
1978 - 1989 |
Claude Rawson |
1990 – 1991, 1992 - 1996 |
Fred Robinson |
1991 - 1992 |
Charles Hill |
1997 - 2001 |
Walter Goffart |
2001 - 2011 |
Michael Kerbel |
2011 - 2017 |
Rebekah & Alexander Westphal |
2017 - 2022 |
Scott Matheson | 2022 - |