
Michael Madison, Law Professor Daniel Magaziner, Associate Professor of 20th Century African History David Mahan, Executive Director, Rivendell Institute at Yale; Lecturer in...
Alasdair Neale, Music Director, New Haven Symphony Orchestra Vincent Ni, Yale Greenberg World Fellow Kari Nordstrom, Yale Senior Architect Anita Norman, Woodbridge Fellow...
Emmanuel Ohuabunwa,  Resident, Emergency Medicine Rev. Ian Oliver, Senior Associate Chaplain for Protestant Life & Pastor University Church in Yale Chadwick Oliver,...
Jeffrey Park, Professor of Geology and Geophysics Bruce R. Peabody, Real Estate Attorney Cornelia Pearsall, Professor of English Language & Literature Peter Perdue,...
Congling Qui, Gibbs Assistant Professor, Mathematics David Quint, Sterling Professor of Comparative Literature and English Andrew Quintman, Assoc. Professor Religious Studies
David Rabinowitz, Sr. Research Sci/Scholar Physics Doug Rae, Richard S. Ely Professor Emeritus of Management & Professor of Political Science Sohail S. Ramirez, Associate...
Fred Joseph Acquavita, School Administrator Robert Adams, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Woo-Kyoung Ahn, Professor of Psychology Julian Aiken, Law School Librarian Bruce...